What you do not know about your dog and the rest of the dogs

What you do not know about your dog and the rest of the dogs


A dog

A dog ( Canis lupus Familiaris ) is an animal that was tamed and domesticated by man in ancient times. The first archaeological finds of the skeletons of this animal near a human dwelling, found on the Eurasian continent, dating back to the Mesolithic era. Most likely, the dog was the first domestic animal that helped the ancient man in the hunt.

When ordering the grouping of creatures, Karl Linnaeus singled out the canine into different animal categories - the Common canine. As indicated by the advanced grouping received in 1993, the canine is a delegate of the Wolf species, the Dog subspecies. She, similar to the wolf, is a delegate:

+ class vertebrates;

+ crew rapacious;

+ canine families;

+ sort of wolves;

+ kind of wolves;

+ subspecies canine.

Dog - description

The ancestors of dogs are ancient wolves and other canids, possibly jackals. From them, she got a genuinely solid strong body, covered with fleece. The shape and size of the head of a dog is a defining characteristic of the exterior, by which a dog can be attributed to a particular breed. The head of a dog conventionally consists of the skull and muzzle.

The body of a dog has a head, neck, withers, chest, back, croup, rump, tail, and four limbs - front and back. The dog's paws are equipped with claws that do not retract into the pads when walking. The dog has well-developed muscles, which allows the animal to perform various movements, including moving not only with a step but also great to run at a decent speed or make rather high jumps.

The dental system of a dog

The dog's dental system is represented by 42 teeth, including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Dogs' teeth are located on both the upper and lower jaw. The canines of this animal are large and well developed. Going behind each other, the canines of the upper and lower jaws form a lock.

Change of milk teeth in dogs

At puppyhood, from about the fourth month of life, the difference in milk teeth starts in canines, which, when in doubt, closes by 7-9 months. The state of the dental framework now and then assists with deciding the age of the creature when there is no careful data about the date of birth.

Dog's fur

The body of the canine is covered with hair, which frequently comprises gatekeeper, topcoat, and wool undercoat. The length and thickness of the coat rely upon the variety and states of keeping. The coat shade of canines can be totally different, from normal ruddy dim to all variations of white, red, dark, spotted. There are canine assortments that are absolutely or mostly bare.

Dog food

The dog has color vision, a keen sense of smell, hearing, touch. She perfectly distinguishes the taste of food, so she will be happy with various delicacies. The diet of a dog, as a typical representative of carnivorous animals, must necessarily include protein products of animal origin, as well as be balanced in vitamins and minerals. A large assortment of ready-made dog food is now available.

What number of dog ​​breeds are there

As of now, around 400 varieties are perceived by canine associations around the globe. Generally speaking, they are completely partitioned into ten variety gatherings. Canines are recognized by their capacity to prepare, which permits them to be utilized as guards, search, chasing, rescuers, control canines, and simply buddy creatures.

Breeding dogs

A dog's pregnancy lasts 58 to 62 days. At the same time, from one to ten or even fifteen viable puppies can be born, which the mother feeds with milk. The suckling period in dogs lasts up to 8 weeks, but at about 4 - 5 weeks the puppies can feed on their own.
The average life span of dogs is 8-15 years. Although there are frequent cases when dogs lived to a more advanced age - 19 - 21 years.

Dog grooming

Some breeds can only be kept indoors, and there are open-air cages. Animal care is absolutely uncomplicated and consists of feeding, grooming, timely veterinary measures, and vaccinations. Also in puppies, it is necessary to form the correct behavior by teaching the kids to walk.

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