
reputation: endangered

the Atlantic walrus is a sea giant that lives inside the northern seas. the massive frame of an animal with thick skin is included with wrinkles and folds. both ladies and men have tusks, but males are longer. younger walruses have instead thick hairs. in adults, the hair is almost absent. the period of adult males reaches 3.five m, weight - as much as 900 kg. the period of women is up to 2.4 m, weight is up to 800 kg. a new child cub is 1.2 m in duration and about 70 kg in weight. the life span of walruses is 25-30 years. in spite of the astounding size of the walrus, according to scientists, it's miles one of the most susceptible inhabitants of the arctic.


the principle threats to the Atlantic walrus:

melting ice because of weather trade;
pollutants of the oceans;
disturbance factor (passage of ships and visits to rookeries by means of vacationers);
development of the arctic shelf with the aid of oil and gasoline agencies (dangers of oil spills boom)

How is WWF doing to safeguard the walrus populace?

Because of the undertakings of WWF and our associates, we sorted out some way to check the amount of the most feeble social occasion of walruses in the Pechora Sea, recognize the essential conditions of Atlantic walruses, study their food supply, get excellent information on walrus developments and overview the state of animal prosperity.

WWF takes a functioning part in the examination and preservation of walrus:
In summer, ground perceptions are completed at the rookeries, camera traps are introduced.
Satellite names are used to follow the improvement of walrus reliably.
Flying and satellite symbolism assists with examining walrus in places where it is hard to reach.
The assortment and examination of natural material are being done - this makes it conceivable to discover the condition of the soundness of the populace additionally, the level of defilement in the tissues of walruses, similarly as to assess the genetic associations between different get-togethers of walruses.

On the activity of WWF, some oil and gas organizations are now seeking a capable strategy towards walrus and other marine vertebrates - they are noticing, easing back down, or then again changing the course of boats when they experience marine warm-blooded animals, and, if fundamental, even stop the action of pneumatic weapons (while researching the rack).

Rules of conduct for sightseers at walrus rookeries in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug have been created and embraced.

Nonetheless, there are still holes in our insight about walruses - for instance, the "ice period" of the existence of walruses stays uncovered, just as the northern gathering of walruses that is hard to contemplate. Of specific concern are plans to build freight traffic along the Northern Sea Route - as much as 80 million tons (multiple times) by 2024, and a consistent expansion in the number of sightseers wishing to visit walrus rookeries.


Fascinating realities about Atlantic walruses

Up to 80 m - a walrus jumps to such a profundity looking for food.

15 months - the pregnancy of the female walrus endures.

34-38 cm - the tusks of a grown-up walrus arrive at this length.

What's more, Atlantic walruses are additionally one of a kind in light of the fact that ...

"Walrus" in interpretation from antiquated Greek signifies "strolling on the teeth." To escape the water, the walrus sticks to the hard surface of the ice with its tusks.

Walruses can remain submerged for as long as 30 minutes. At that point, they need to come up to the surface to slowly inhale.

Affected by daylight, the skin of the walrus becomes pink. (This is the impact of augmenting veins.)

The territory of Atlantic walruses

The Atlantic walrus in waters possesses the north of the Barents Sea (Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land), the Novaya Zemlya district, the northern piece of the White Sea, the southeastern piece of the Barents Sea, and the Kara Sea.

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